Mastering Sass: A Comprehensive Guide to Enhancing Your CSS Skills

Writing consistent and readable CSS that will scale well is a challenging process. Especially when the style sheets are getting larger, more complex, and harder to maintain. One of the tools available to developers to write better CSS are preprocessors. A preprocessor is a program that takes one type of data and converts it to another type of data, and in our case CSS preprocessors are preprocessing languages which are compiled to CSS. There are Read more…

Salesforce Single Sign-On Flows

Single Sign-On (SSO) flows facilitate user authentication by allowing individuals to utilize their identity from an external system. Within Salesforce, three mechanisms can be employed to accomplish this: Let’s dig into the sequence of messages involved in the SSO mechanisms supported by Salesforce for the aforementioned flows. Service Provider (SP) Initiated SSO In the event that Salesforce functions as the Service Provider, the following configurations must be implemented: Conversely, when Salesforce acts as the Identity Read more…

Single Sign-on
Transport Layer Security

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol serves as a prevalent mechanism for encrypting communications across networks and is fundamental to the operation of Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). As the successor to the now-obsolete Secure Socket Layer (SSL) standard, TLS has become integral to secure network communications. By default, one-way (standard) TLS is implemented without necessitating additional configuration within a Salesforce organization, thereby facilitating HTTPS communication through web browsers and ensuring HTTPS encryption for both Read more…

5 reasons to choose Data Cloud for Marketing

High-quality data is crucial for successful marketing. The way we collect, structure, and maintain this data directly impacts the effectiveness of our marketing strategies, particularly in automating customer journeys. Accurate and organised data allows marketers to engage with their audiences more effectively and tailor their messaging to meet specific needs. Data collection is the first step, involving the systematic gathering of information from various sources, such as customer interactions, social media, and website analytics. Ensuring Read more…

Salesforce Data Cloud

Why Choose Salesforce Data Cloud?

Addressing Technical Debt and Enhancing Data Management Efficiency in Enterprise Applications A frequently posed question regarding Salesforce’s #DataCloud is, “Why not develop this in-house? One can utilize Snowflake, Databricks, or managed SQL to create integrations or incorporate other off-the-shelf tools as needed.” Before addressing this, let us consider a seemingly unrelated topic. Recently, #StackOverflow published the findings of their 2024 Developer Survey, which highlighted the “most common frustrations” among developers. Notably, 62% of respondents identified Read more…

Salesforce Winter ‘25 – New Product Features

Salesforce Winter 25 preview orgs will be available for signup on August 8th, allowing users to test these new functionalities before their official release. This is the perfect time to discover how to leverage these upcoming features once they go live. If you’ve previously registered for a preview org, you can access these features before August 8th. However, new users will need to wait until signup opens. Let’s look at the Winter 25 release timeline Read more…

Winter 25
marketing automation

Marketing Automation 101: What, Why & Will?

We hear a lot about marketing automation these days which is being lauded as the latest and greatest thing in marketing by Marketeers. This hypothesis can be confirmed from increasing Google trends for marketing automation over last five years. It is a popular belief that Marketing Automation is just a souped-up automatic email or SMS marketing program, but it is not, so what is it? “Marketing Automation empowers marketers to automate tasks and workflows for the marketing and sales process, including prospect and customer profiling on lead scoring, landing pages, and sending automated personalized emails, SMS and web recommendations to support lead nurturing and customer engagement.” This definition seems too complicated, is it? Well In a very simplistic way; “Marketing automation is a course of action to build an intimate relationship with current and future customers.” Marketing automation can be achieved Read more…

Cohort Analysis: The Must-Have Metrics for Your Business

Introduction Cohort analysis is a modern Data Analysis technique among Data Analyst and marketers but does we understand it? Are we using its full potential? Before answering this, I would like to explain the meaning/technique of Cohort analysis to the new Users. What is Cohort? A Cohort is simply a segment of users over a given period. For example, a cohort could be all users based on their Acquisition Date (in Google Analytics this is Read more…

cohort analysis
Adobe Experience Manager

Data Management Platforms – Adobe Audience manager Deciphered

Today, We are going to discover how data management platforms can empower marketers to tackle growing data challenges, create powerful customer insights and set up marketing campaigns that increase revenue and a significant decrease in media wastage. Data-driven marketing – three words that set a challenge for marketers and publishers alike, yet offer incredible opportunities at the same time. The sheer scale of the data available to businesses is daunting, hence the challenge to manage and make Read more…

Responsive Email – Step By Step Guide

Creating a responsive email in html is a multifaceted process that involves several stages. The journey begins with the email marketer establishing the email’s purpose, which sets the foundation for the entire project. Following this, the copywriter drafts the content based on a wireframe, ensuring that the message aligns with the intended goals. Once the content is in place, the email designer takes over, crafting the visual layout according to the wireframe. This design phase Read more…

Responsive Email Template